Custom Device
Create a Custom Device Model¶
- Open the MajorDom mobile app.
- Navigate to
and enableDevelopers Mode
. - Return to the home screen and tap the
button located in the top-right corner. - Alongside the existing options "Create a Room" and "Add a Device", a new option, "Create a Device Model", will now be available.
- Choose
Create a Device Model
. - Provide a name for your custom device model and define a set of parameters. Custom parameters can also be added.
- After creation, the device model and its parameters will be stored on the Hub.
- You can now use this custom device model with new devices in your home by specifying the device model UUID in the sketch and implementing parameter handling.
Write Device Sketch¶
Using Merlin Framework¶
Merlin24 C++¶
Merlin24 works with low-power, long-range nrf24l01 radio modules operating on the 2.4GHz band.
Here's an example sketch for controlling a relay:
#include <Merlin24.h>
// Define pin numbers
#define RELAY_PIN 3
#define BUTTON_PIN 4
// Variables to store the state
byte relay_state = LOW;
byte last_button_state = HIGH; // Assuming pull-up
// Define constants for function codes
// Initialize Merlin24 object with device model uuid and parameter value handler function
Merlin24 device("10359220-c504-40d0-bed7-f254cc85e75c", [](byte parameter_index, byte value) {
switch (parameter_index) {
// toggle the relay and save new state
relay_state = value;
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, value);
// You can add more cases here for other parameters
break; // Handle unknown function code here (optional)
void setup() {
void loop() {
tick() is required for Merlin24 to work
it should be called as often as possible
avoid delays and other blocking code
Toggle the relay on the button press
Just an example, in real life you would probably want to debounce the button
// Read the button state
byte current_button_state = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);
// Check for button press (LOW when pressed because of pull-up resistor)
if (last_button_state == HIGH && current_button_state == LOW) {
// Toggle the relay, save the state and send it to hub
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, relay_state);
relay_state = !relay_state;
device.send(RELAY_PARAMETER, relay_state);
// Update last button state
last_button_state = current_button_state;
MerlinWiFi (MerlinHttp) C++¶
The MerlinHttp
class provides a way to connect your device to a hub over HTTP, making it a great choice for devices that require internet access or advanced capabilities. It is particularly suitable for ESP32/ESP8266 boards.
To switch from Merlin24
to MerlinHttp
, all you need to do is change the included header and initialize MerlinHttp
instead. In most cases, this should be sufficient.
#include <MerlinHttp.h>
// ... (other parts remain unchanged)
MerlinHttp device("10359220-c504-40d0-bed7-f254cc85e75c", [](byte parameter_index, byte value) {
// ... (other parts remain unchanged)
Manually (MerlinHttp Protocol Overview)¶
If you want to use other technologies, hardware, or software—e.g., a Raspberry Pi with a Python program and FastAPI server—you can still communicate with the Hub over HTTP by implementing the required endpoints manually. Below is an overview of how the Hub-to-Device and Device-to-Hub communication occurs.
Hub-to-Device Communication¶
Your device should host an HTTP server and expose the following RESTful API endpoints:
GET /api/v1/merlin
: Used by the Hub to get current device state
Reponse Payload:
"index": "<parameter_index: int in 0...255>",
"value": "<parameter_value: base64 encoded value>"
POST /api/v1/merlin
: Used by the Hub to send parameter updates to the device.
Request Payload:
"index": "<parameter_index: int in 0...255>",
"value": "<parameter_value: base64 encoded value>"
POST /api/v1/credentials
: Used by the Hub to send network and authentication credentials to the device on initial setup.
Request Payload:
"ssid": "<Wi-Fi SSID>",
"psk": "<Wi-Fi Password>",
"hub_host": "<Hub Host Address>",
"token": "<JWT Token>"
Device-to-Hub Communication¶
To communicate with the Hub, the device should make HTTP requests to the Hub's API endpoints:
Send Parameter Updates: {hub_host}/api/merlin/state
Request Payload:
"index": "<parameter_index: int in 0...255>",
"value": "<parameter_value: base64 encoded value>"
Update Device Host (ip:port) Address: {hub_host}/api/merlin/host
Request Payload:
Authentication is implemented using a long-lived JWT token included in the Authorization
header of each HTTP request:
To make a device discoverable, setup zeroconf service of type _majordom-device._tcp
and specify the port of the merlin interface server. Now Hub can find the device in your LAN.
Parameter (Value) Types¶
Current available types:
class ParameterType(str, Enum):
# Base types
integer = "integer" # uint8
decimal = "decimal" # uint8 casting from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
boolean = "boolean" # real one-bit integer
enum = "enum" # uint8 with string_representation
string = "string" # string
humidity = "humidity" # decimal;
temperature = "temperature" # float8;
color_temperature = "color_temperature" # Kelvin, decimal; 0.5 is white
rgb = "rgb" # hue wheel angle, decimal; TODO: uint8[3];
volume = "volume" # decimal;
timeinterval = "timeinterval" # seconds, int32;
button = "button" # None, just a button
Example of decoding:
class DeviceParameter(Parameter): # pydantic.BaseModel
value: bytes
class Config:
json_encoders = {
bytes: lambda v: base64.b64encode(v).decode()
@validator('value', pre=True)
def base64_decode(cls, value: str) -> bytes:
if value is not None and isinstance(value, str):
return base64.b64decode(value)
return value
def decoded_value(self) -> int | float | bool | str | bytes:
match self.value_type:
case ParameterType.integer | ParameterType.enum:
return max(0, min(int.from_bytes(self.value, 'big'), 255)) # int as uint8 in [0, 255]
case ParameterType.timeinterval:
return int.from_bytes(self.value, 'big') # just int
case ParameterType.decimal | ParameterType.humidity | ParameterType.temperature | ParameterType.color_temperature | ParameterType.rgb | ParameterType.volume:
return max(0, min(int.from_bytes(self.value, 'big'), 255)) / 255 # float in [0, 1] mapped from uint8 in [0, 255]
case ParameterType.boolean:
return bool(self.value[0])
case ParameterType.string:
return self.value.decode('utf-8') # utf-8 is default but explicit is better than implicit
case ParameterType.button:
return b'\x00'
case _:
return self.value
Created: 2024-01-27